We are a school-based Nursery which means that, unlike many private or voluntary day Nurseries, a qualified teacher plans, is involving in the teaching and supports the progress of our nursery children during this important period of their development. The aim of our Early Years Foundation Stage classes is to provide opportunities for our children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their wider society.
We also have three Reception classes where children have access to a wide range of stimulating and exciting opportunities.
We offer different patterns of attendance which are expected to be kept regularly and can only be changed at the end of a long term (Christmas, Easter, Summer). This means our teachers can plan for careful provision and learning for your child within our Early Years class and, we believe, offers an enhances service which is much more than child care.
Two-Year-Old Provision
Option A | 15 hours funded place for those who meet the eligibility criteria | Morning - Term Time | For those who meet the eligibility criteria. |
Option B | 15 hours funded place for those who meet the eligibility criteria
| Afternoon - Term Time | For those who meet the eligibility criteria. |
Option C | 15 + TOP UP | All Day - Term Time | For those who meet the eligibility criteria. Top up sessions are chargeable. |
Option D | 15 + 15 = 30 hours funded by Government for eligible families | All Day - Term Time | Childcare choices code required in advance of 30 starting sessions. ** Option Available from September 2025 |
Please note, children's attendance will be registered and monitored against whichever option they are signed up to.
Three- and Four-Year-Old Provision
Option A | 15 hours funded place for those who meet the eligibility criteria | Morning - Term Time
| All children aged 3 and over are entitled to this. Cannot be used for afternoon sessions |
Option B | 15 hours funded place for those who meet the eligibility criteria
| Afternoon - Term Time | All children aged 3 and over are entitled to this. Cannot be used for morning sessions. |
Option C | 15 + 15 = 30 hours funded by Government for eligible families | All Day - Term Time | Childcare choices code required in advance of 30 starting sessions. |
Option D | 15 + TOP UP | All day - Term Time | Top up sessions are chargeable. |
Please note, children's attendance will be registered and monitored against whichever option they are signed up to.
For more information about admissions and funding please click on the link below.
Children who stay all day need to be able to
* Separate from the carer easily
* Move independently around the garden and classroom.
* Stay awake and energetic throughout the session.
* Behave appropriately and non-aggressively throughout the session.
* Attempt to manage their own personal hygiene, shoes and coats. This area can be supported for children with significant developmental delay.
* Stay within the boundaries of the playground and classroom (both indoor and outdoor areas).
* Cope with changes of adults in the classroom without distress.
Daily Routines
Every day is different Millbrook EYFS with new and exciting things to learn about. We also recognise that children need to have familiar toys and resources available to them so that they feel confident to explore learning. Depending on the age and stage of the child the day will be matched to their ability and needs.
Every day children will experience the following activities;
Staff at the Nursery carefully plan for children’s next steps in learning but we fully recognise that our planning is flexible to cope with children’s changing interests and fascinations.
To find out more about what we are learning click below
Ladybirds, Grasshoppers & Bumblebees
Settling In New Children
Every child is offered a home visit before they start nursery or reception. We believe this is very important as it helps us get to know you and your child in familiar home surroundings, away from the bustle of the classroom. These visits last about half an hour and give you and your child’s key person an opportunity to talk all about the specific needs of your child.
The initial meeting is followed by a class visit for about an hour. This is a gentle introduction that is not too daunting for everyone. When you child starts we may ask you to stay for the whole of the first session so you get to know us and we get to know you.
Starting at the nursery is a great adventure but it is also a new and busy world for a young child with many unknown adults and children to get to know. Every child settles at a different rate and it could be several weeks before your child it happy to let you leave. The length of time you stay is negotiated between you and the staff as you are the one that knows your child best.
Please do not be upset if your child cries a little at first- it is perfectly natural. Also some children settle quite happily but find separation difficult at a later date when the novelty wears off. If your child needs longer to settle into school we can provide extra settling sessions.
Role of the Key Person
Children thrive from a base of loving and secure relationships. This is normally provided by a child’s parents but it can also be provided by a key person. A key person is a named member of staff for responsibilities for helping children in the group feel safe and cared for. When children reach this stage of their educational journey most children have developed a strong attachment to a parent and are more able to cope with shared attention from a few adults in the setting. We therefore say that the teacher will be the key worker for all the children, supported by other members of the staff. If a child or parent forms a trusting working relationship with a particular member of the staff team, then they can always chat to them. Support staff help update records and make observations. However, it is ultimately the teacher’s responsibility to maintain the paperwork and to take ownership of the class and progress of all the children.
The EYFS framework requires the adults working with our Foundation Stage children to “respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction.” We have a dedicated team of caring adults who get to know your child well, especially what excites and engages them. This quality relationship results in high levels of well-being and involvement for children in the Foundation unit. With high levels of well-being children gain independence and confidence and their natural curiosity is encouraged at all times. Adults support positive attitudes and dispositions towards learning and promote learning through play. Adults’ positive and thoughtful interactions, alongside the high-quality environment and open-ended resources available to them results in Millbrook’s children receiving the best start to their education.
Additional information about the Early Years is available on the Foundation Years website.