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Term Dates


Autumn Term 2024
Tuesday 3rd SeptemberStaff Training Day
Wednesday 4th SeptemberStaff Training Day
Thursday 5th SeptemberStaff Training Day
Friday 6th SeptemberBack to school
Friday 25th OctoberSchool breaks up for Half-Term holidays (at the end of the school day)
Monday 4th NovemberBack to school
Friday 20th DecemberAutumn term ends



Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January       Staff Training Day                                                             
Tuesday 7th JanuaryBack to school
Friday 14th FebruarySchool breaks up for Half-Term holidays (at the end of the school day)
Monday 24th FebruaryBack to school
Friday 4th AprilSpring term ends



Summer Term 2025
Tuesday 22nd AprilBack to school
Monday 5th MayBank Holiday
Thursday 22nd May             School breaks up for Half-Term holidays (at the end of the school day)
Friday 23rd MayStaff Training Day
Monday 2nd JuneBack to school
Wednesday 23rd JulySummer term ends



