"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin.
In creating our writing vision, we asked ourselves, “Why would a child pick up a pen and produce a piece of writing?” Is it because they have been told to? Is it because they understand it’s a valuable life skill that will benefit their future? We believe it should be, mainly through their inspiration – they want to communicate something important to them, and writing is the most appropriate way of doing this.
Therefore, our vision is that real and exciting stimuli will be at the heart of children’s writing opportunities meaning they learn their skills in contexts of genuine interest. We will ensure the children’s learning is based on experience, whether it be school trips, topical events or linked from core texts. We will share excellent writing examples to inspire children to emulate authors' styles. We encourage children to read their work for enjoyment, to read it aloud to others and provide audiences for writing. We want children to understand that writing has a real purpose and that word choice and style can bring about change.
Therefore, this is an ambitious vision statement for writing, but it is worth it. To foster and develop our pupils into inspired and skilful writers is worth every ounce of effort, skill and imagination on our part.
"You can make anything by writing." - C.S. Lewis