Key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools. These values are listed as:
The rule of law
Individual liberty and personal responsibility
Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different cultures, faiths and beliefs
We actively promote British values through our school ethos, agreed rules, curriculum and teaching in the following ways:
Through our ethos and systems, we aim to ensure that pupils share their views and help to shape the work of the school. For example, the House Captains and Pupil Council Reps are elected by pupils and take a lead role at school. Staff encourage positive engagement in debates through PSHE, English lessons and Assemblies. Also, teachers ensure that pupils are listened to when they express their opinions on a range of topics in lessons and in time for reflection.
The Rule of Law
Our school rules, underpin our Behaviour Policy. Rules are followed consistently, so that pupils understand the importance of them as a means to keep them safe. Restorative Practice is used as a structure to improve pupil understanding of justice and the rights of themselves and others, and visits from the police and to Hazard Alley help prepare our oldest pupils for transition to high school.
Personal Responsibility and Individual Liberty
Within school, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. In class they can choose the level of challenge in their learning. They are taught how to make healthy choices to improve their lifestyle. We encourage the children to express and justify their opinions; exercising their rights and personal freedoms. As a school, we celebrate every individual and ensure that their voice is heard and valued. Pupils suggest and lead presentations during worship, and many clubs and fundraising activities.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of Different Cultures, Faiths and Beliefs
Intolerance of others is unacceptable. We value and celebrate the cultures within our locality, reflected in many events and lessons each year. Through our Religious Education curriculum, pupils explore the beliefs and practices of a variety of world faiths. Pupils visit places of worship of of different faiths to learn about how their faiths fit in to a modern society. We celebrate achievements of others within our school community.
Promoting British Values Through the National Curriculum
The table below outlines how each subject in the national curriculum promotes British values, focusing on democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Subject | Promoting British Values |
English | Encourages open discussions, debates, and critical thinking to explore democratic principles, respect differing opinions, and understand cultural diversity through literature. |
Mathematics | Promotes fairness and problem-solving, encouraging collaborative work and respect for different methods and solutions. |
Science | Encourages evidence-based understanding, fostering respect for differing views and highlighting the importance of rules in scientific inquiry. |
History | Provides insights into the development of democratic institutions and laws, helping pupils appreciate the evolution of liberty and justice. |
Geography | Promotes understanding and respect for different cultures, environmental responsibility, and the importance of global interdependence. |
Religious Education | Promotes tolerance and understanding of various faiths and beliefs, fostering mutual respect and individual liberty. |
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) | Directly addresses British values, teaching the importance of democracy, rights, responsibilities, and respect. |
Computing | Encourages responsible internet use, respect for others in digital interactions, and understanding the importance of online safety and laws. |
Art and Design | Encourages self-expression, appreciation of diverse artistic traditions, and respect for others' creativity and perspectives. |
Music | Promotes cultural understanding and collaboration, encouraging respect for different musical traditions and expressions. |
Physical Education | Teaches teamwork, fairness, respect for rules, and the value of healthy competition. |
Modern Foreign Languages | Promotes understanding and appreciation of other cultures, fostering tolerance and mutual respect. |